6-day workweeks against 4-day workweeks: UAE citizens prefer longer weekends

Careerfier News
Jul 01, 2024
Some expats have expressed that they wouldn't live in a country that mandates a six-day work week. In contrast, many in the UAE praise the country’s four to five-day work week as a progressive approach, emphasizing the need to move beyond the outdated belief that longer hours mean higher productivity.
The conversation was sparked by Greece's announcement of a six-day work week starting July 1. HR professionals, wellness experts, and residents highlight that today's workforce values authenticity, mental health, and smart use of technology to enhance productivity and well-being.
Zaid Alhiali, Co-Founder at Marc Ellis, notes that Greece's model differs from places like Sharjah in the UAE, which has a four-day week, and Germany, which is trialing a similar model. He suggests that while shorter work weeks can boost well-being and job satisfaction, maintaining productivity is a key concern.
A June 2022 Gallup study found that those working six days a week had the highest burnout rates and lowest well-being, whereas those with a five-day work week were the most engaged and least burned out.
Dubai-based Life Coach Girish Hemnani praises Sharjah's transformative approach, suggesting it could set a global trend. He emphasizes that the pandemic has changed our views on work, highlighting the importance of flexibility, remote work, and the integration of AI tools to improve efficiency.
Some expats, like Eman Hussein, a PR professional living in the UAE for 20 years, stress the importance of work-life balance and mental well-being, stating they would not stay in a country with a six-day work week.
Indian expat Bhavya Rao adds that high-stress levels can reduce productivity, and a four or five-day work week can enhance well-being and job satisfaction. She points out that fewer commutes also reduce traffic jams and carbon emissions.
Germany has recently begun testing a four-day week with 45 companies participating in a pilot project started in February.